The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has placed a huge burden on the socio-economic sectors and on the functioning of democracies in Europe. Now more than ever it is important to debate on what we want the EU to look like in the future. The Make Your Vote! project aims to raise awareness of the common EU values and encourage the participation of young people and first-time voters in Europe’s democratic life. The project’s foreseen activities will promote a bottom-up approach and invite young people and citizens to take part in activities and debates concerning the future of the European project.
The project’s activities (World Café, Local simulations, International skills training, and International youth debate) will strengthen democratic participation and young people’s voice in decision-making by raising necessary skills and creating tools for young people to effectively participate in public and civic life. The project aims to engage, connect and empower young Europeans to be active citizens and to contribute to the creation of more peaceful, inclusive, and resilient societies. The project will finish with an International youth conference to introduce the results and findings, and present the video messages from young people, and the drafted policy recommendations. The project will be implemented in partnership with seven European countries (BG, IT, PL, HR, ES, PT, GR) and it will reach 505 direct and 3000 indirect participants.
Project partners:
- Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Culture and Education (Lead partner, Bulgaria)
- Youth Center of Epirus (Greece)
- Mreža udruga Zagor (Croatia)
- FIDU ETS (Italy)
- Fundacja HEKET (Poland)
- Asociación Amigos MIRA España (Spain)
- Stand up for Europe (Belgium)
Project duration: 01/12/2022 – 31/05/2024